

I've got it! haha, i did indeed get the lady gaga bracelet band thingyy. It is the most epic thing ever, i just hope i won't get in toruble in school:] "Bitch" is not generally school appropriate, but.... OH WEELLL..

Have you ever heard of the foundation To Write Love On Her Arms? I'm not sure if i've mentioned it on here before but it's an anti-suicide foundation that i really like. Anyways, i saw the band thing next to the lady gaga one today and i really wanted it. So i'm getting it on Friday, but it makes me thinkk..
On it it says, "Love is the movement"
So i want that, but i was thinking, if everyone bought one we'd have a cute bracelet promoting Love and going against suicide. There five dollars, and think about how it's saving lives. buy it here.
On to other, less depressing topics, I hit up Sephora today, and im broke so i couldn't buy anything(curse mothers day, my moms birthday, my cousins birthday, my sisters birthday, and my step dad's birthday being in the same month >.<) but i was deeply upset when i found out they had Tokidoki makeup.
They also had Tarina Tarantino makeup, but this i was aware of. Anyways that made me extremely happy, but i couldn't buy anything because i had to go find dresses for various parties and such.
I found my new favorite webstie!
Well thats all for now folks :]


I'm not sure where i've been but i have been caught up in the own life. I think about the blog every day and have even taken shots to add, but i havent uploaded htem*FAIL*.
this is recently:

Well that pretty much sums up May!
A couple of ddays ago, i got sick and came home from school early. Have i ever mentioned i'm kind of into Foreign films? Well i watched the cutest French film the other day when i came home sick. It's called Amelie and the way they filmed it made me extremely happy. My sister loves it and i was in the mood to read subtitles so she gave me it. After a while you get used ot NOT understanding what they're saying and you figure out a way to READ and WATCH the movie :D
These made me especially happy:

That was my favorte part^^:]
Don't get me wrong, please this movie is extremely confusing hahaha, like its difficult to understand. It's like a Donnie Darko type movie, although Donnie Darko was twenty times harder to understand. I make this contrast only because i watched it for the second time this morning and realized you need to see it more than once to kind of understand it.
Pans is another one thats a bit difficult to understand.  When i say Pans i mean Pan's Labyrinth. That is like the most amazing moviee everrr. i mean all that make up is incredible. Even Hell Boy wasn't as good, Pans just beasts.
Pan's Labyrinth is proof that temptation is a bad, bad thing. Especially the part where she walks into the room and the demon fairy creatures told her not to eat anyof the food, but she so tempted she eats the freaking grape. haha.  That's my favorite part of the movie!

So i just went of the website for Pans and i see Simon, a character from a spanish movie i saw not to long ago (btw pans is in spanish.) (double btw i speak spanish and i am spanish which is why i've seen them :)
Anyway Simon is from a movie i saw called the Orphange, which is another mystery movie is spanish!
I hatched him two days ago but he got sick :[
Tamagotchis are adorable, nomatter what people say. The photopgraph where i'm next to a blonde wearing brqaids and i have a sticker on my head was actually taken while we were working on a project about Fads and Tamagotchis :]
Well hopefully i'll get back on track, if not re-read this a bunch of times, theres a lot to say!


Happy Birthday Mom ♥

Today is my mom's birthday :] so happy birthday mommy!
in case you didn't know/ figure out: I LOVE LADY GAGA
My favorite song is Monster, followed by Eh,Eh, then Bad Romance, but i particularly love the part in Bad Romance where she says, "I'm a free bitch baby,"
Today i was on her website looking at her online shop and i saw this:

How freaking awesome is that? It says, "I'm a free bitch." Then just has Lady Gaga's name at the end. i want one. Badly.
Buy it there^^ It's only $10, but considering it says bitch you best hope your parents don't realize. haha.


I'm sorry, i don't lknow whats wrong with me, but my scedualliing and everything i did to make sure this website udates is ultimatly failing? so i'm back to manual. Oh well. Last night i went out with my friends Alexa, Griffin and Nasir. So here are some photooographss.
Alexa doesnt like have her photograph taken unless she's making fun of someone(sounds very mean but shes just kidding) so she didnt know i took this one:


5.9.10 bestt dayy ♥

Happy Mothers Day. This acftually a picture i sentt too my BF Griffinn:]
Anyways, mothers day i just kinda hung out the whole morningg texting Griffin and my friend Alexa.

I was wearing my Fifi shirt from Delias ;]


Today i missed my buss on my way home and my friends were decorating another friend's locker for her B-Day so i kinda helped, i mostly wne tin the bathroom with my friend alexa who had missed her bus as well and hung outwithh her :]

Me and Alexa in the bathroomm ♥

Alexa, Me, Kristen, Julez

It wasssuch a fun day :]


These pictures arwe still from yesturday, but i played with the settings on my camera and had funnn with itt :]


Today was my friend Griffin's BM as i said yesturday.
This is right in the morning after straightening my ahir:
With my makeup:
Right afterwards i was driven home from the club by griffin's brother. It was fun being in the car with like two of my besti guy friends, Griffin and Nasir :]
After i changed of the outfit and out of my dress, i threw on the sweatshirt i got at the BM and the hat i got and a pair of shorts and just kinda hung out.