
A designer who inspires moi:

There is something so classic about her, not mentioning her amazing fragrances, gorgeous purses, and lovely make up. 
Coco Chanel. 
"Gentleness doesn't get work done unless you happen to be a hen laying eggs."
I find this amazingly true, if amazingly is actually a word. People are constantly thinking if I'm nice, everything will work out for me, although they don't realize how untrue that actually can be. 
You get ahead in the work profession by being better than those around you, not by sitting and being nice to all your coworkers. Though, I'm not saying you should be mean to those around you, I just don't necessarily believe people understand, especially at a young age, what it takes to get ahead. 
I suppose, it does also depend on the profession you've chosen.

"Those who create are rare; those who cannot are numerous. Therefore, the latter are stronger."
Theres something about this quote. It's rather simple when you simply read it. Understanding takes a bit more thought, though. Just because you don't have a specific idea on something doesn't mean you're not just as intelligent or great as someone who does. 
Those are two of my favorite quotes from her, if you'd like to I'd love to hear your favorites and your interpretations of them.
Beck ♥

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