

it hasnt been warm since like last year.
so im excited.
and i finally got around to what i was going to do. 
It's four outfits, at least i think four? either three or four different outfits which all have the same things. 
Laced tights and an owl necklacee!
Day one:


It's been a horrible week.

Dreadful, wet, and i didn't even show up to school on Wednesday. 
Today was the first day that i even kinda sorta dressed up, so i guess you could take a look!
it was about 54 degrees, but really wet.
I got to my old town and see my friend Mari in her school's production of Beauty and the Beast, and sit with my friend Kayla.
Mari played Babette, and totally rocked that outfit in center :D
(Dear Mari, please don't kill me when you see that i posted this, love Becky)
Naturally i couldnt help but to mock the outfit. 

Neither could Kayla :D
Fun day, good end to a bad week.
P.S. I'm off to watch Winning London, like the mary-kate and Ashley movie where their outfits were...interesting, but i remember wanted to dress like them soooo badly!



Well, the pictures from my birthday were accidentally deleted off of my computer (by me:) so I'm afraid i can't share those with you. Also, the thing i said i'd post tomorrow isn't ready yet so i may upload it next Saturday instead!
Thanks for understanding,
Becky ♥


A designer who inspires moi:

There is something so classic about her, not mentioning her amazing fragrances, gorgeous purses, and lovely make up. 
Coco Chanel. 
"Gentleness doesn't get work done unless you happen to be a hen laying eggs."
I find this amazingly true, if amazingly is actually a word. People are constantly thinking if I'm nice, everything will work out for me, although they don't realize how untrue that actually can be. 
You get ahead in the work profession by being better than those around you, not by sitting and being nice to all your coworkers. Though, I'm not saying you should be mean to those around you, I just don't necessarily believe people understand, especially at a young age, what it takes to get ahead. 
I suppose, it does also depend on the profession you've chosen.

"Those who create are rare; those who cannot are numerous. Therefore, the latter are stronger."
Theres something about this quote. It's rather simple when you simply read it. Understanding takes a bit more thought, though. Just because you don't have a specific idea on something doesn't mean you're not just as intelligent or great as someone who does. 
Those are two of my favorite quotes from her, if you'd like to I'd love to hear your favorites and your interpretations of them.
Beck ♥


A Designer I've never heard of: Kathy Van Zeeland

Although I've never heard of the designer on my own, my fabulous mother decided to pick one of these up for me for my birthday. The bag was limited edition and absolutely lovely, so naturally i looked further into her. My bag has a very fun, springy design, so I can't wait to actually use it! When I looked into her further, I was even more impressed. Although I'm not very fond of the snake skin bag because snakes terrify me, her other bags were actually quite cute. I was particularly fond of the Pugs & Kisses design, and the Mr. Postman design, along with the Word Up design, which is the one I have.  
Theres a picture of me with the Word Up designed bag, which my mommy got me :D
That's the Mr. Postman design! It's so cute!
That's the pugs and kisses, which makes me especially happy because i've always wanted to have a black pug named Coffee. Like this is my life goal. 
I highly doubt that I will ever get a dog, but if I ever do, it will be pug or a yorkie :D

just some more random pictures of me with the purse :]


As great as the Oscars were this year.....

I must admit I wasn't as impressed with the dresses as I've been for other years, or even for the Golden Globes.
On of the dresses i liked to begin with was Anne Hathaway's. 
She was a host and that poor woman changed so many time,  wanted to cry for her. And although this wasn't actually my favorite of the dresses she wore, i did like it because it was red, and it's just so classy!

I was super duper impressed with what Natalie Portman wore because she is just the cutest pregnant woman ever!
The dress that she wore to the Golden Globes really wasn't very pretty, but she was pregnant, so it made her 10x more adorable. 
I actually really love this dress, along with it's color. 

LOTS and lots of red! Sandra Bullock looked fantastic in this dress, which i think she rocked quite well. Not to mention it was red, which of course only makes it like me more since red is one of my favorite colors ! :D

Halle Berry's dress was absolutely stunning. The color, the texture, simply everything about it made me want to smile, hahaha!

I thought the color was beautiful, but seriously, what was up with the whole cleavage thing?
Like when she preformed i was laughing so hard because i was scared more would be seen than what needed to be seen.

There was something about this dress i loved.
Besides that it was on Amy Adams. 
The color was lovely. There wasn't much cleavage (see above) but it did fit her body correctly.
I think it's lovely. 

umm well i think thats pretty much it for the outfits i liked, or felt the need to comment on. haha.
Becky ♥