

To bad it is also a monday and the first day back from spring break.
If you were confused as to why this is my 100th post, let me explain:
before i blogged on blogger i used tumblr. i had ninety posts on tumblr when i switched to blogger. This was my tenth post here, but 90+10=100(eww..more math then necessary).
Well here are the pictures from actually today. i went to my friends house, and she curled my hair =p
(i kinda like having my har done, even though its kinda long so it took a little bit :] thanks syd!)
Also, on some other notes, i've recently become obsessed with Nicholas Sparks' The Last Song. I've read the book and seen it twice. I finished the book today too :] I might go see it again with other friends..but who knows.
It was a great book, i'd recommend it to any one who asked. haha. Anyway, below is just like a five min edit i made. The first book is the one i have, with Liam and Miley (movie actors) on the cover. The middle is my favorite scene in the movie,(where the turtles hatch), andd the end is the real book.
hahah. just had to bring it up ;]

1 comment:

  1. Wow, congrats on the 100th post! That's awesome <3

    I love your blog, it's really cool to see young girls having such a great sense of style, I'm fifteen myself so I'm giving you a cyber-applause right now, haha XD

    Come check out my blog - www.mesmericoutsider.blogspot.com

    I'd love to hear what you think about it xxx
    have an awesome week :)
