
Black and... Red?

We all know about Wiz Khalfiahdmrosnrhrmskisfm's song Black and Yellow, and as much as i love the colors black and yellow, the steelers still lost, and they're my favorite team.  Along with the Giants.
Anyway, Valentines is coming up. Like most holidays, Valentines day has its pros. Along with its cons.
Sure you get free chocolate and get to spend time with that "special someone." Thats all great and dandy, but not everyone has a "special someone" so i like to think of the holiday as a day to appreciate those you love, not those you are in love with. Valentines day is in less than a week, so to count down I'm going to be wearing this rather pretty necklace i received for Christmas from Lia Sophia. 

Thats it!
I'm not sure if you can see it, but it has almost what looks like black peacock feathers inside. It's epic :p

Well thats all folks :D
Becky ♥

1 comment:

  1. Your lips look incredible! You can really pull off the bright red lipstick well! Love the outfit! Hope you have a fabulous valentines....or singles awareness day!
