
aloha. so my lovely internet decided it hated me and it wouldnt let me get on the internet.
god knows why.
anyway, i apologize for my absense, but i must admit on top of not havong access too the innnternet, i have been making up all the work my sschyhool issued me for being ab
sent for a week. so i decided to give you a little take on what will be uploaded over the next week,
tuesday-the oscars outfits, similar to golden globes post
wednesday-introduction to a designer i had never heard of
thursday- celebrating an old designer, who im inspired by
friday-pictures from my birthday, which are from over a week ago :p
saturday-i am contemplating doing something special for this blog involving ffashion, but im not sure if it will be done in time. if so, it wiill be here on saturday.
becky (:


Happy Birthday to... moi!

Well I've recovered from the Flu just in time for my birthday..... or at least my birthday party!
My real birthday is tomorroow, and i get to go out with a lot of famils, but today was my party for friends-mostly.
Anyway a lot of my friends had to cancel last minute, but i did get a couple of shots from my outfit and from the party :D

Becky! ♥


Happy Valentines day.... you have the flu.

Well, just because my life LOVES me so much it gave me the flu. 
So i apologize but im not allowed out of the house for the next week, so i'm most likely won't be posting until i recuperate, but i wanted to come on and wish you all a happy valentines, and you better love your health, and the fact that you dont have the flu, cause it sucks.  


Black and... Red?

We all know about Wiz Khalfiahdmrosnrhrmskisfm's song Black and Yellow, and as much as i love the colors black and yellow, the steelers still lost, and they're my favorite team.  Along with the Giants.
Anyway, Valentines is coming up. Like most holidays, Valentines day has its pros. Along with its cons.
Sure you get free chocolate and get to spend time with that "special someone." Thats all great and dandy, but not everyone has a "special someone" so i like to think of the holiday as a day to appreciate those you love, not those you are in love with. Valentines day is in less than a week, so to count down I'm going to be wearing this rather pretty necklace i received for Christmas from Lia Sophia. 

Thats it!
I'm not sure if you can see it, but it has almost what looks like black peacock feathers inside. It's epic :p

Well thats all folks :D
Becky ♥


Happy February!

I haven't posted in a while, and I'm not actually sure why. I think its mostly because there was a lot of snow and i didn't go to school, so i never got dressed, and when I did, i didn't think it was worth sharing!
Right now my head is pounding, so heres a tip:
if you're ever at a dance or party, and whip my hair come on, DONT DO IT.
Chiropractors everywhere will soon be making a lot of money off of me alone.
I whipped my hair back and forth, and that was like four hours ago and my head still hurts. 
Anyway, i liked what i wore so i felt ike sharinngg :p

pps.... this isnt the same shirt i wore a couple of days ago though its similar.
Becky ♥