
New Years eve♥

woww. it's already 2011. That is abosolutly insane.

nevertheless, today i wore like completely express, minus my shoes which were aldo. 
I'm actually kinda happy, I mustn't tell lies, that 2010 is over.
peace and love brroo,
Becky ♥


Soy De Cuba (this is in spanish :)

Hola, amigos. Hoy, vamos a hacer algo un poco diferente. Yo, siendo cubano, también hablo español. Siempre escribo este blog en Inglés, pero hoy va a ser en español. Lo que me puse hoy fue un poco diferente a lo que he usado antes y diferente a lo que generalmente usan.

hoy, estoy usando una blusa de express, pantalones de express, y no sé donde tengo mis zapatos de, pero los pies de punta para la victoria!

For those of you who cannot read Spanish, you can basically just copy everything that's written in Spanish and i think they have translators on the Internet that can help you change words from language to language. Be forewarned: languages aren't made to translate each other, so what i wrote in Spanish may seem rrealllyyy weird in English, but I'm pretty sure what i wrote was right, so try to figure out what i was saying..
example: "los pies de punta para la victoria!" That will directly translate to "feet from tip to victory!" But it actually means, pointy feet for the win. hahaha.

Para aquellos de ustedes que hablan español, perdonen mis errores, puede ser que sea un poco oxidado en mi escritura, que siempre ha sido horrible. Disculpen mi conjucations atroces.
BTW: this isn't going to be a regular thing, but i thought it'd be cool for one day :)
Con amor,
Becky ♥



Alrighty, well my house is completely snowed in, but the snow keeps coming. My backyard has a table, and above the table are three feet(maybe more) of snow. I stayed home and watched harry potter, then love actually. Two of my favourite movies!:D
Well anyway, i still don't have the pictures from Christmas eve, but I'm sure I'll get them eventually! Anyways, one of the things i got from my dad and step mom was a harry potter scarf and tie Hufflepuff set thingy. I also got the cutest pencil skirt from Express from my mommy. well i sure do love Christmas!
Anyways, i put this toogethherr cause i was COMPLETELY BORED OUT OF MY MIND.
Sick of watching movies, and playing video games.

gotta clap for me, i did the tie on my own, and although it doesnt lok GOOD, it doesnt loook horrible :p
   Becky ♥


merry christmas!

Hai guys! Did you realize it's almost a year since i started this? That's exciting! Anyways, i don't have any picture from Christmas eve, but strangely enough, i have pictures from today. The second i arrived at my photographer-daddy's house i said presents and he said pictures. but on the bright side- i now have really pretty pictures. There are only 8 as of now, but im not sure if i'll ever see the rest. He's not so good actually showing me the pictures, so i have to scout them out myself. 

My Christmas eve was spent running around trying to help my mom set up the house for three of my friends, three of my grandparents, my aunt, my cousin, along with my cousin's girlfriend and his friend, plus the 6 of us that actually live there! So it was a fun day and when my friends got there we had a great time, and we had a ton of laughs playing charades, scrabble, and watching christmas music- OH! and i got to introduce them to the Cuban culture :D

we're a fun family.
merry christmas, 
i hope you got everything you wanted like i did,


Mad Hatter

I don't have much to say about what i wore....
i just wore it :p

it was just one of those, i-need-something-different moods.
alrighty then :)
Becky ♥


Meeting in the parrk.

I really like both the shirt and the necklace i wore today, so i figured i'd share :)

i love that last one.
shirt: Zara
Necklace: a little boutique
pants: jeans :)
Becky ♥