
Starting High School.

     So I've literally taken a month off of blogging to get the feel of highschool. Soon enough, I will go back to about every day/ every other day which I've never been really good at. But for now, Back to highschool. I have gym first period, so I'm not going to lie, that puts a huge damper on everything I wear because I know that how ever perfect I loook in the morning it will be ruined by second period. Despite this, I've tried dressing up, and i've done this quite successfully, only I don't have pictures as proof :(

     During high school I have gone to almost every boys freshman soccer game because like twelve of my friends are on the team. I've gone to a lot of the girls games as well, because all my best friends are on that team. Now, I'm signed up for the play which is the Crucible. We've already had auditions, I didn't get a part, but hey-- I'm just a freshman! So I'm at play practice often. In Winter, I'm signed up for fencing, which I've never done so I'm not sure if I'll make the team, but I'll try! If i don't, I'll have my mom put me in private classes and make it next year =D

     I'm also signed up for the People to People organization. I heard about them while I was in Paris, they travel with their school and their group. I'm sooo excited to give it a try. Plus, I actually agree with what they're doing. They're trying to make the world a better place by understanding how different people think and what they believe. It ends racism! .. If you're a young reader and you have one at your school, join!

     Another club I signed up for is called the Keystone club. It's technically though the boys and girls club, but my two bestfriends are signing up so the three of us are going to get community service hours together. If we have enough points we could go to cool places like New Hampshire and Texas! Isn't that cool? I'm soo excited to be a part of so many things, I'm hoping I'll have a seriously enjoyable next four years...

   Not to mention my hopeful straight A's and all my old and new friends... I think I'm going to have fun..

1 comment:

  1. I've missed keeping up with your life on blogger! It sounds like you are super busy with school! So excited for you! High school can be so much fun and maturing! Stay away from those older boys! lol. If you're not too busy, I'd love to hear about your high school experience as your blog about it! It really sucks that you have gym first period. Guess you'll have to learn how to do cute up-dos that don't get messed up from working out! Best of luck sweetheart! And good luck with the school year!
