

I've always been extremely intrigued by the designs of James Lillis and his company. For starters, they only have an online shop, which is actually really cool. Many stores DON'T have online stores which is unfortunate because online shopping is a beautiful thing.

These are just some of the epic designs available. For Christmas i begged my mommy to get me the first one, so who knows, maybe she'll buy it for me!
you can buy them all here
You have to admit, they're kinda epic.


Like Crazy

Today I went to go see Like Crazy with my older sister, and if she ever send me the picture that I took that day I'll upload haha, but here's what I wore.
The necklace was bought in Egypt and given to be, and I love, love, love it.
I'm wearing my funky tights again!
If you're interested in seeing the movie, it's very good, although the ending is a bit annoying it's very honest. Ah well!
Shirt: Express
Shorts: Express
Tights: ModCloth
Boots: Steve Madden
Necklace: Egypt!


Happy Thanksgiving.

Yesterday I went through a long list of things I'm thankful for, and really, I'm a very lucky girl.
But I won't bore you with that, here are the pictures hehehe.



The internet should be a place for people to do what they wish. I know there are some things on the internet that I don't approve of and don't use. However, personal blogs and video blogs I do approve of. I think it's ridiculous that these laws are even close to being put in place. I didn't hear about this until two seconds ago, so I'm going to further investigate. Think about it this way: no more video blogs like those fun parody or singing ones. No more anything that makes the internet as messed up and wonderful as it is. No more opinions on the only place where people love letting all of their opinions loose on. I know typically they say republicans hate censorship and democrats love it. All political parties aside, as a blogger, I like the right to say what I wish.


Wake up calls

I started making my christmas list for my mommy and I'm honestly not sure whether it was more of a Christmas list or a Wow-I-Really-Need-A-Job-List.
Anyway, I spent my Saturday as a hippy.

Oodles of bad photography ♥


Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you ♥

Shirt- Cotton On
Jeans- Express
Boots- Forever 21


Two Per Style!

ignore everything I've previously said, Happy November!

I'm back baby xx